Just Say Yes!

I have too much stuff....

Listen, we've all been there. Even the most organized and minimal person has days of overwhelm - It's called being human. I'm only here to say I can help with some of that overwhelm by giving you a little bit of advice ...wait for it...

just say yes. Wait what? Did I just tell you to say yes? Aren't we telling people to say no more these days? That is true BUT hear me out...

How awesome is it to always say no? (I hear the parents in the back saying amen) I can tell you from personal experience that when you have to say no to the cupcake, the juice, the new toy, and no we can't go to Disneyworld today!!! it gets downright depressing, especially when this happens in the span of 35 mins at 645 in the morning. lovely.

So back to saying yes we go! Saying yes to things and people that make you smile and add something to your life. Saying yes to experiences instead of things and opportunities to get together instead of staying in and doing the same old thing.

So start today...say yes to all the things that would add flavor and joy to your life. Maybe if we do it, instead of saying "I need....." or "I want...…" we can eventually get to a point where we say " I have everything I love and want."..... and maybe JUST maybe the things we love and want won't be things at all.

Imagine that?
